Network of European Peace Scientists

An international association for the advancement of peace research and related studies in Europe.

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Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference

24th Jan Tinbergen Peace Science Conference. 16-18 June 2025, University of Barcelona. Submit your abstract by December 31, 2024!

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NEPS medal

NEPS manages an annual award for the best publication in Peace Science published by members of NEPS. It is named the "NEPS MEDAL for the best publication in Peace Science".

Stuart A. Bremer Travel Award

The Stuart A. Bremer Travel Award seeks to enhance the exchange of scientific findings between young European and American Peace Scientists.

Welcome to Network of European Peace Scientists

An international association for the advancement of peace research and related studies in Europe.

"The Network of European Peace Scientists is a network of scholars committed to the advancement of Peace Research in Europe. In line with Peace Science tradition, the NEPS welcomes scholars from an interdisciplinary community from a variety of disciplines such as economics, political science, regional science, mathematics, and history. Since 2000 NEPS holds an annual conference entitled ‘Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference”.

Members of NEPS receive emails and newsletters of the network and information on relevant activities.

If you would like to become a member, please visit the Membership page or contact Arzu Kibris, the executive coordinator of NEPS, at


Our Statute is now available
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Decisions of the steering committee

Decision New Fee Structure 2020

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Decision Conference Fees 2018

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Decision Membership Fees 2017

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Decision Membership fees 2015

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Decision 14th conference

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Voting rules October 9, 2013

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Decision-Making Procedures of the Steering Committee March 20 2013

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Institutional membership March 6, 2013

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NEPS medal, January 15, 2013

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General Assembly - rules, May 2, 2013

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NEPS medal

NEPS manages an annual award for the best publication in Peace Science published by members of NEPS. It is named the "NEPS MEDAL for the best publication in Peace Science".


Vincenzo Bove, Riccardo Di Leo and Marco Giani
Publication awarded:
Military Culture and Institutional Trust: Evidence from Conscription Reforms in Europe

See publication


Sara Polo and Julian Wucherpfennig
Publication awarded:
Trojan Horse, Copycat, or Scapegoat:Unpacking the Refugees-Terrorism Nexus

See publication


Nils B. Weidmann and Espen Geelmuyden Rød
Publication awarded:
The Internet and Political Protest in Autocracies (Oxford Studies in Digital Politics)

See publication


Corinne Bara
Publication awarded:
Legacies of Violence: Conflict-specific Capital and the Post-conflict Diffusion of Civil War 2018, Journal of Conflict Resolution 62(9): 1991-2016.

See publication


Carl Erik Knutsen, Havard Mokleiv Nygård, Tore Wig
Publication awarded:
Autocratic Elections: Stabilizing Tool or Force for Change? 2017, World Politics 69(1): 98–143.

See publication


Raul Caruso, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and CESPIC, Ilaria Petrarca, Veneto Banca and Roberto Ricciuti University of Verona, CESifo and GDI
Publication awarded:
Climate change, rice crops, and violence: Evidence from Indonesia, 2016, Journal of Peace Research, 53(1): 66–83.

See publication


Vincenzo Bove, University of Warwick and Tobias Böhmelt University of Essex and ETH Zürich
Publication awarded:
Does Immigration Induce Terrorism, 2016, Journal of Politics, 78(2): 572-587.

See publication


Guy Grossman, University of Pennsylvania, Dan Miodownik, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Devorah Manekin, Arizona State University
Publication awarded:
The Political Legacies of Combat: Attitudes Toward War and Peace Among Israeli Ex-Combatants, 2015, International Organization, 69(4), pp, 981-1009.

See publication


Petros G. Sekeris, Portsmouth University.
Publication awarded:
The Tragedy of the Commons in a Violent World, 2014,RAND Journal of Economics, 45(3): 521-532.

See publication


Lars-Erik Cederman, Center for Comparative and International Studies, ETH Zürich, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, University of Essex, and Halvard Buhaug, Peace Research Institute Oslo.
Publication awarded:
Inequality, Grievances, and Civil War , Cambridge University Press, New York.

See publication


Marijke Verpoorten, Institute for Development Policy and Management IOB and University of Antwerp Political Geography.
Publication awarded:
Detecting hidden violence: The spatial distribution of excess mortality in Rwanda , 31(1): 44-56.

See publication

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Stuart A. Bremer Travel Award

The Stuart A. Bremer Travel Award seeks to enhance the exchange of scientific findings between young European and American Peace Scientists. Each year one European graduate scholar will be invited to attend the North American conference of the Peace Science Society (International) and one US graduate scholar will be funded to attend the Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference.


Blair Welsh, University of Essex
Publication awarded:
The Lethality of Hostage-Taking in Civil War


Felix Olsowski, University of Mannheim
Publication awarded:
The Dark Side of Judicial Independence: Extrajudicial Killings as Alternative to Compliant Judges?


Katariina Mustasilta, University of Essex
Publication awarded:
Customary institutional strength and civilian victimization in armed conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa.


Sarah Langlotz, University of Heidelberg
Publication awarded:
Community Cohesion in Times of Conflict: The Role of Foreign Interventions.


Adam Scharpf, University of Mannheim
Publication awarded:
Dirty Skills- Guerrilla Wars and Military Training at the School of the Americas
Composition of the Jury for the Stuart A. Bremer Travel Award 2017


Annekatrin Deglow, Uppsala University
Publication awarded:
Localized legacies of civil war: Post-war violent crime in Northern Ireland
Composition of the Jury for the Stuart A. Bremer Travel Award 2016


Achim Ahrens, Spatial Economics and Econometrics Centre (SEEC), Heriot-Watt University
Publication awarded:
Conflict in Africa: Climate, Economic Shocks and Spill-Over Effects
Composition of the Jury for the Stuart A. Bremer Travel Award 2015


Travers Barclay Child, Tinbergen Institute
Publication awarded:
Reconstruction and Insurgency: The Importance of Sector in Afghanistan
Composition of the Jury for the Stuart A. Bremer Travel Award 2014


Allard Duursma, University of Oxford
Publication awarded:
African Solutions to African Challenges: Explaining the Role of Legitimacy in Mediating African Civil Wars. (Supported also by the Emerald series Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development)
Composition of the Jury for the Stuart A. Bremer Travel Award 2013


Sebastian Schutte, ETH Zurich
Publication awarded:
Reactive Loyalties in Civil Wars
Composition of the Jury for the Stuart A. Bremer Travel Award 2012


Roos Van der Haer, University of Konstanz, and Lilli Banholzer, University of Konstanz.
Publication awarded:
The Creation of Committed Combatants


Patrick Domingues, CES Maison des Sciences Economiques, Paris.
Publication awarded:
The Health Consequences of Mozambican Civil War: an Anthropometric Approach


Andreas Forø¸ Tollefsen, PRIO.
Publication awarded:
Predictive Probabilistic Modeling of Conflicts using Geographical Information Systems


Nils B. Weidmann. ETH, Zurich.
Publication awarded:
Violence and the Changing Ethnic Map: The Endogeneity of Territory and Conflict in Bosnia


Johannes Münster.
Publication awarded:
War with Outsiders Makes Peace Inside (joint with Klaas Staal)


Dominic Rohner. University of Cambridge.
Publication awarded:
Information, Reputation, and Ethnic Conflict


Desireé Nilsson, Uppsala University.
Publication awarded:
Signing and Sticking to Peace?


Raul Caruso, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
Publication awarded:
A Trade Institution as a Peaceful Institution?

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Manas Chatterji Award

The annual “Manas Chatterji Award for Excellence in Research on Peace Economics and Peace Science” has been established in 2014.

The award goes to a scholar who distinguished herself or himself with her or his research activities in the domain of Peace Economics and Peace Science with specific regard to developing countries.

The winner is chosen by Prof. Manas Chatterji in consultation with the Steering Committee of the Network of European Peace Scientists.

Manas Chatterji is Professor of Management at Binghamton University. He is Guest Professor at Peking University, Honorary Visiting Professor at Central University of Finance and Economics of Beijing, China, and Honorary Distinguished Professor of Economics at the Poznan University in Poland.

Also, he is the General Editor of a book series on “Contributions to Conflict Management Peace Economics and Development” published by Emerald Publishing, U.K. He has authored/edited thirty books and published eighty articles.


Hanne Fjelde, Uppsala University and PRIO.


Mansoob Murshed, International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University.


Enzo Nussio, ETH Zurich.


Marijke Verpoorten, University of Antwerp.


Arzu Kibris, University of Warwick.


Vincenzo Bove, University of Warwick.


Tobias Böhmelt, University of Essex.


Raul Caruso, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.

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NEPS Lecture

Established by the Network of European Peace Scientists in 2014, the NEPS lecture is an honor given to a NEPS Member who distinguished herself or himself for her or his research activities in the domain of Peace Science.

Every year, the Steering Committee chooses the lecturer among the NEPS community and invite her or him to give the lecture in a plenary session at the Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference. The NEPS lecture is intended to make a significant and groundbreaking contribution to the conference.

Eventually, the lecturer is invited to publish his speech on the special issue of Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy that collects a selection of the proceedings of the conference.


In 2023 the NEPS Lecture was given by Patricia Justino, UNU-WIDER. Title: "Institutional Legacies of Violent Conflict ".

You can read the article here.


In 2022 the NEPS Lecture was given by Anke Hoeffler, University of Konstanz. Title: "Counting Everybody: Reflections on Methodological Challenges in Violence Research ".

You can read the article here.


In 2021 the NEPS Lecture was given by Scott Gates, University of Oslo and PRIO. Title: "Pandemic Politics and Peace".

You can read the article here.


In 2019 the NEPS Lecture was given by Jean-Paul Azam, University of Toulouse-Capitole. Title: "Let's Call their Bluff: The Politics of Econometric Methodology".

You can read the article here.


In 2018 the NEPS Lecture was given by Theodora-Ismene Gizelis, University of Essex. Title: "Systematic Study of Gender, Conflict, and Peace".

You can read the article here.


In 2017 the NEPS Lecture was given by Branislav L.Slantchev, University of California, San Diego, titled "On the Proper Use of Game-Theoretic Models in Conflict Studies".

You can read the article here.


In 2016 the NEPS Lecture was given by Prof. Halvard Buhaug, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO).

You can read the article here.


In 2015 the NEPS Lecture was given by Prof. Anja Shortland, King's College London.

You can read the article here.


In 2014 the NEPS Lecture was given by Prof. Han Dorussen, University of Essex.

You can read the article here.

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Working Papers

The NEPS working paper series is intended to disseminate research relevant to peace science. The working papers are ‘work-in-progress’. They are published in order to contribute to the advancement of peace science and related fields. NEPS working papers are available on line only. If you need further information please contact


A contest success function for ranking
Alberto Vesperoni, University of Siegen


Political Cycles in Public Expenditure: Butter vs Guns
Vincenzo Bove, University of Essex Georgios Efthyvoulou, University of Sheffield


War Finance and the Modern State
Alberto Vesperoni, Stockholm School of Economics


The Logic of the North Korean Dictatorship
Ronald Wintrobe, University of Western Ontario


Is there a Diffusion of Military Regimes in Sub-Saharan Africa? Empirical Evidence in the Period 1972-2007.
Raul Caruso, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart Ilaria Petrarca, University of Verona Roberto Ricciuti, University of Verona


Seduction of Religious Clerics and Violence in Autocratic Regimes - with special emphasis on Islam.
Jean-Phillipe Platteau, UNiversity of Namur Petros G. Sekeris, University of Namur


New incentives and old organizations: The production of violence after war
Francesca Grandi, Yale University


Wartime Violence and Post-Conflict Development Policy: The Case of Agricultural Concessions in Mozambique
Topher McDougal, University of San Diego Raul Caruso, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart


Terrorist Signalling and the End of Violence
Neil T. N. Ferguson, DIW Berlin


Fiscal Equalization and Political Conflict
Maria Cubel, University of Barcelona & IEB


Clash of Civilizations, Culture and Conflict
Gunes Gokmen, Bocconi University


Predicting atrocities Statistically modeling violence against civilians during civil war
Constantin Ruhe, University of Konstanz


Background Risk of Food Insecurity and Insurance Behaviour: Evidence from the West Bank
Elisa Cavatorta, SOAS, University of London Luca Pieroni, University of Perugia


The impact of armed conflict on economic performance Evidence from Rwanda
Pieter Serneels, University of East Anglia Marijke Verpoorten, University of Antwerp


The effect of within-group inequality in a conflict against a unitary Threat
Maria Cubel, University of Barcelona Santiago Sanchez-Pages, University of Barcelona


Citizenry Accountability in Autocracies. The Political Economy of Good Governance in China
Mario Gilli, University of Milan-Bicocca Yuan Li, University of Duisburg-Essen.


Differentials in Property Rights in a two sector-economy
Raul Caruso, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart


Homegrown terrorism; the known unknown
Kaisa Hinkkainen, University of Essex


Gov-Aargh-Nance – “Even Criminals Need Law and Order
Olaf J. de Groot, DIW Berlin Matthew D. Rablen, Brunel University Anja Shortland, Brunel University and DIW. Published: December 2011.


Youth Unemployment, Terrorism and Political Violence, Evidence from the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict (1997-2007)
Raul Caruso, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart Evelina Gavrilova, University of Turin. Published: December 2011.


The Diffusion of Atrocities: A Spatial Analysis on the Role of Refugees
Valentin Gold, Roos Haer, University of Konstanz Published: December 2011


Economic Determinants of Third-Party Intervention in Civil War
Vincenzo Bove, University of Essex Petros G. Sekeris, University of Namur Published: December 2011


Coping with Conflict: A Dynamic Decision Making Perspective
Ranan Kuperman, University of Haifa Published: December 2011


Drugs and Violence in Afghanistan: A Panel VAR with Unobserved Common Factor Analysis
Vincenzo Bove, University of Essex Leandro Elia, Università della Calabria Published: December 2011


Civil War Exposure and School Enrolment: Evidence from the Mozambican Civil War
Patrick Domingues. University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne Published: December 2011

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01 November 2021

November Newsletter

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08 October 2021

October Newsletter

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03 May 2021

May Newsletter

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